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We Provide Exceptional ServiceOur goal is to provide you with the most exceptional service of greatest value to you. If you hire us, we will give you the right information you need in order to make the best decisions. This may be the most important decision and biggest investment that you'll ever make. And we're honoured to help you at this moment. We will show you how your home works, how to maintain it, and how to save home energy. We will show you everything that we inspect, and everything that you should know about the home or building. We will provide you with an inspection report that is easy-to-read and clear-to-understand. It will have a short summary report included. We will provide you with a 100-page home maintenance book, which will include information on what a house problem looks like before it becomes a major defect. It will explain how to make home repairs yourself. It will also provide you with home maintenance checklist - things to do at every seasons of the year. We use infrared cameras and drones, which allows us to see things that you can't see. We will invite you to join our network of clients who are our neighbour's. And we will make ourselves available to our clients at anytime, particularly when they experience a problem with their house. Welcome to our neighbourhood.
We Inspect Everything Listed HereWe inspect everything listed in the Services page of the website.
We are Certified, Licensed and Insured.Absolutely. At I Know a Guy! Home Inspections Ltd., we prioritize professionalism and accountability in all aspects of our services. It's important to note that in Saskatchewan, there are currently no legal requirements for home inspectors to be licensed. However, despite the absence of legal mandates, our team of inspectors undergoes rigorous training and certification processes. We are proud to be certified by the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI), demonstrating our commitment to upholding the highest standards of competence and professionalism in the industry. Furthermore, our comprehensive insurance coverage provides peace of mind for both our clients and our team members. In the unlikely event of an accident or property damage during the inspection process, our insurance safeguards against any potential liabilities, protecting both parties involved. We believe that transparency and trust are essential in our line of work, which is why we are always happy to provide proof of our insurance coverage upon request. When you choose I Know A Guy! for your home inspection needs, you can rest assured that you're working with a qualified, trustworthy, and fully insured team dedicated to delivering top-quality service and peace of mind for your real estate transactions.
We Inspect Homes and BuildingsIf we find anything wrong, we'll show it to you, explain what the problem is, and why it should be corrected. We may also make recommendations for qualified contractors to take a closer look and make repairs.
We Offer Many Different Types of InspectionsWe provide residential and commercial property inspections. We perform inspections according to a Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. We also provide additional types of inspections, including: Home Inspection, Infrared Thermal Imaging Inspection, Annual Home Maintenance Inspection, Roof Inspection, Moisture Inspection, Plumbing Inspection, Deck Inspection, Electrical System Inspection, Monster Free Inspection, Santa Safe Chimney Inspection Check out our inspection services in detail by visiting our Services page.
Material Defects in the Summary ReportWe recommend that you read and understand the entire inspection report and ask question about anything you find in the report. I am responsible for writing in the inspection report the defects that I both observe during the inspection and deem (or consider) to be material. A material defect is very serious and must be further evaluated and corrected immediately by a qualified contractor or professional. I will put those material defects into the summary report. The summary report is not the entire inspection report.
Just Three ThingsBuying a home? The process can be stressful. A home inspection is supposed to give you peace of mind, but often has the opposite effect. You will be asked to absorb a lot of information in a short time. This often includes a written report, a checklist, photographs, environmental reports, and what the inspector himself says during the inspection. All this, combined with the seller's disclosure and what you notice yourself, makes the experience even more overwhelming. What should you do? Relax. Most of your inspection will be maintenance recommendations, life expectancies for various systems and components, and minor imperfections. These are useful to know about. However, the issues that really matter will fall into three categories: Major defects. An example of this would be a structural failure; Things that may hinder your ability to finance, legally occupy, or insure the home; and Safety hazards, such as an exposed, live buss bar at the electrical panel. Anything in these categories should be addressed. Often, a serious problem can be corrected inexpensively to protect both life and property (especially in categories 2 and 3). Most sellers are honest and are often surprised to learn of defects uncovered during an inspection. Realize that sellers are under no obligation to repair everything mentioned in the report. No home is perfect. Keep things in perspective. Do not kill your deal over things that do not matter. It is inappropriate to demand that a seller address deferred maintenance, conditions already listed on the seller's disclosure, or nit-picky items.
A Real Estate Agent's DutyThis is written for the real estate professional. The seller has accepted your clients' offer and now, with your help, your clients must choose a home inspector. Should you steer them toward the inspector who writes the softest reports? Should you steer them toward the inspector who pays to be on your office's preferred vendor list? Should you help them find the cheapest inspector? The answers to these questions are of course No, No, and Hell, no. You have a fiduciary duty to your client and, therefore, must recommend the very best inspectors. If you recommend a patty-cake inspector, an inspector who indirectly pays for your recommendation, or a cheap inspector, you violate your fiduciary duty to your client. The National Association of REALTORs defines your duties in their Code of Ethics. Article 1 requires you to protect and promote your clients' interests. Article 6 requires you to disclose any financial benefit you may receive from recommending related real estate services (this also includes any benefit to your broker). Because most real estate agents get paid only if the real estate transaction successfully takes place, your personal interests and your fiduciary duties already conflict. Don't make your situation any worse. The best way to avoid negligent referral claims, to operate ethically, and to fulfill your fiduciary duty is to help your client find an inspector based solely on merit. And although no real estate agent can guarantee the thoroughness of any particular inspector, there is a strong correlation between an inspector's fees and his/her competence (in other words, you get what you pay for). Helping your client find a cheap inspector for the purchase of their lifetime is a violation of your fiduciary duty. When in doubt, shop price, and seek out the most expensive inspectors for your clients.
Walk and Talk With Your InspectorWe invite you to walk with us during your inspection. We will show you everything about your house that's important for you to know. Feel free to ask us questions while we walk around the property. If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to ask us while we're moving through the inspection process. We will work for you during the inspection until you're happy.
Read the Inspector's PromiseChoosing the right home inspector can be difficult. Unlike most professionals you hire, you probably won't meet us until our appointment. Furthermore, different inspectors have varying qualifications, equipment, experience, reporting methods, and pricing. Ultimately, a thorough home inspection depends heavily on the individual inspector’s own effort. If you honour us by permitting us to inspect your new home, we guarantee that we will give you our very best effort. This, we promise you.
Understand the Inspector's ResponsibilityThe home inspector is not an expert but a generalist. The home inspector can inspect a home and report upon the home’s condition as it was at the time of the inspection. That is the main responsibility of the home inspector. The most important thing for a homeowner to understand is that things will break. As time goes on, parts of the house will wear out, break down, deteriorate, leak, or simply stop working. A home inspection does not include predictions of future events, house warranties, or guarantees that nothing will ever go wrong. Future events (such as roof leaks, water intrusion, plumbing leaks, and heating failures) are not within the scope of a home inspection and are not the responsibility of the home inspector. Who’s responsible? The homeowner. The home inspection and report are based on the observations made on the date of the inspection, and not a prediction of future conditions. The home inspection will not reveal every issue that exists or ever could exist, but only those material defects observed on the date of the inspection.
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